Early researchers of LED snubbed…

日本人とアメリカ人がノーベル物理学賞を受賞した理由は 以下ですが、
もともと青以外のLEDの発明があったからではないかと言えば それはそうですね。
Two Japanese and one American researcher received the 2014 Nobel Prize for Physics (Development of Blue LED), but early pioneers of LED technology feel snubbed by the Nobel committee.
American inventor of the red LED in the 1960’s believes that some of the early researchers of LED development should also be given credit.
Inventor of the red LED hits out at committee for overlooking his seminal 1960s work
From: The Independent Oct 09, 2014 (www.independent.co.uk)
Nobel snub for former University of Illinois professor
From: The News-Gazette Oct 10, 2014 (http://www.news-gazette.com/)
Professor Nick Holonyak questions why blue LED is worthy while his – the very first – was not
From: Western Daily Press  Oct 08. 2014  (http://www.westerndailypress.co.uk/)
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